Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fit

Finally, I decided to go ahead and get Wii Fit. It wasn't an easy decision because I have a tendency to collect exercise equipments and put them on the corner with minimal usage. That happened with the Trademil and other interwood equipments. Anyway, I went ahead because this time at least I would be investing in a game, if I didnt use it I am sure there would me someone else who would be using it.

So, I setted it up yesterday and did around 20 mins of excercise so far. I think I am going to enjoy this one. For one, it has games helps to grab my attention that I am playing instead of working out. In addition, its easy to assemble .. I just neet to connect the wire, get the remote and start working out.

I dont know if it will really help me loose weight (which I need desperatly), but I think at least it will help me move a bit. I've been lazy for so long which is making it hard for me to start any excercise. I guess once I get my muscles active again, I can think of doing other excercises.

I also like the wii sports, even though I lose in my first tennis match :p


  1. Hey, great! A new blog from Arby.

    Good luck with this program. I hope it works for you and most of all I hope it makes you happy.

    You're just so lovely I can't imagine anyone caring if you're not a willow wand. I certainly don't.

  2. So how's it going so far? Still having fun with it?

  3. I am enjoying it so far, at least I get to move a bit instead of spending my time watching TV or on the internet :p

  4. I know what you mean! :p

    May 9th Billy's school is doing a pilgrimage--21 miles!

    So I've started walking every day and I'm up to 5 miles. It's really nice...

  5. شركة تصميم مواقع| اشهار مواقع |شركة داما افضل شركة تصميم مواقع | شركة داما شركة سعودية |شركة تصميم مواقع في مكة | مكة | افضل شركة تصميم في مكة | تصميم مواقع في السعودية | تصميم مواقع مدرسة | تصميم مواقع شركات | تصميم صحيفة الكترونية إلكترونية | تصميم موقع احترافي | تصميمات جرافيك | تصميم تطبيقات ايفون| تصميم تطبيقات اندرويد| تسويق الكتروني | شركة تسويق إلكتروني | تسويق بواسطة الإيميلات| تسويق بواسطة رسائل الموبايل

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